Business Model

- Articles for publication should be sent through Editorial system: https://www.editorial
- Author receives confirmation of submission.
- After formal checking and plagiarism testing tha paper is sent to two reviewers adhering to the principle of mutual anonymity, the so-called double-blind-review process.
- Author is informed of the reviewer's opinion. Commonly he is asked to make improvements of his work. After the second stage of the review process, Author is informed on the decision concerning publishing or refusing publication of its work.
- Journal doesn't charge any fees for publishing articles in two languages: English and Polish.
- Articles are published in the journal both in electronic and paper versions and are distributed under the terms of licence: CC BY 4.0. Author retains its copyright in both versions and in all stages of editing and publishing stages.
- Author may deposit a copy of its published work in any institutional or other repository of their choice.
- The access to the contents of the published electronic version of the journal is free of any charges on the following platforms: ( ;
- All authors receive, free of charge, one issue of the journal from the volume where their article are published.
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