Manuscript submission
The works may be submitted for publication in English. Publication is free of charge.
All works are reviewed by specialists from outside the authors' mother organisation, adhering to the principle of mutual anonymity, the so-called double-blind-review process.
Only previously unpublished works are published in the journal. The journal routinely screen article submissions for plagiarism by iThenticate.
Works proposed for publication should be sent to the editors via editorial system:
Author experiencing difficulties submitting new or revised manuscripts may do it via electronic mail for administrative editor.
Formal requirements
Submited original , not earlier published works, should have between 8 and 25 formated A4 pages or between 10000 and 40000 characters with spaces. Abstract, JEL codes, key words, affiliation of authorsh, their role in work preparation and personal ORCID numbers must be added. Abstract and main body of the article should be adequately structured. Necessary informations and declarations concenning research financing, authors input, "ghost writting" etc. have to be fulfilled. APA style for references in the text and in bibliography is reccomended.
Technical requirements
All contributions should be in electronic word format with all text fulfill the following technical requirements:
- editing system: MS Word,
- fond: Times New Roman size 12,
- all margins 2,5 cm
- Alignment: automatic to left and right without hyphenation
- margins: 1,5 lines,
- ENTER button should only be used at the end of a paragraph (all titles, points representing enumeration etc. are treated as separate paragraphs.
- paragraph indents are marked solely via tab or other tools available in the editor used. Space button should not be used for this purpose. Space button is used solely to separate the words, after dot, comma, exclamation mark, colon, semicolon etc. Space cannot be used after an open parenthesis and before closed parenthesis, as well as before and after a number reference (never before these signs).
The submitted works should be accompanied by author’s declaration filled in and signed by all authors, as well as a declaration of ethics including: declaration of conflict of interest and-in case of a work by many authors - declaration on the input of individual authors into the created article.
Declaration forms are available here:
Author’s declaration – 1 author
Author’s declaration – 2 or more authors
Layout of the work
Texts of the submitted articles, together with tables and drawings, ought to include:
- within scientific articles from 8 to 15 formatted A4 pages, that is 10,000-25,000 characters with spaces and up to 25 items of literature;
- in case of review articles: from 10 to 25 formatted A4 pages, that is: 12,000 – 40,000 characters with spaces and up to 40 items of literature;
- in the remaining works from 4 to 8 formatted A4 pages, ,that is: 5,000-12,000 characters with spaces;
Papers exceeding the required length or the number of items of literature will be individually considered by the Editor-in-Chief.
Summary in English and Polish ought to consist of between 100 and 150 words written in the following order:
Subject and purpose of work:
Materials and methods:
Key words, only for scientific articles, ought to include between 4 and 6 words helpful for indexation and search (from general to detailed).
Principles of citing and references in the text
Quoting and list of literature in the „Economic and Regional Studies/ Studia Ekonomiczne i Regionalne” should follow the APA style, adapted to the Polish language norms (source: Smith, J., Robinson, J. (2012).
Basic editorial standards of scientific psychological texts in Polish on the basis of APA format. Downloaded from:
- when the work has one author (Kowalski, 2011)
- when the work has two authors - each time both names should be provided (Kowalski, Martens, 2011)
- when the work has three authors: the first citation in the text (Kowalski, Martens, Rossato, 2011), another citation in the text (Kowalski et al., 2011); the same rule applies when the work has four and five authors - the first quotation provides all names, the next - the name of the first author and “and others.”
- when the work has six or more authors, each citation should be (Iksiński et al., 2011),
- in the case of literal quoting of a work, after the date of the work’s publishing and please provide the page number(s) after a comma, e.g. (Kowalski, 2011, p. 12),
- if case the works by different authors with the same surnames, please enter the initials of the names of these authors, e.g. (Kowalski Z., 2011),
- if several works by the same author were published in the same year, the letters a, b, c, etc. should be inserted after the year of publication, both in the citation and in the list of literature, e.g. (Kowalski, 2014a).
Tables and drawings
- Tables and drawings ought to be enumerated anddescribed; example: "Table I Table of results", "Drawing 1. Building Project",
- One should not place a dot after a description and source of table or drawing,
- Number and description of a table ought to be placed over it,
- Source ought to be placed below the table; example: "Source: own elaboration",
- In case of a number of drawing, description of a drawing and source ought to be placed under it.
Guidelines for statistical reporting
The original research/experimental papers to be published in "Economic and Regional Studies / Studia Ekonomiczne i Regionalne" should contain information on the applied research methodology, together with a description of the applied methods of statistical analysis. This information should include:
1) characteristics of the population and/or the research sample, in particular the size and method of selecting/determining the sample, and a description of the source of the statistical data acquired. For processed data, details of any data corrections/transformations should be included. If necessary, provide a description of the data collection methods (e.g. surveys, interviews, observations, experiments, etc.). The information on the surveys/interviews must contain information about the wording of the questions, as well as the type of questions (e.g. open, closed, single/multiple choice etc.);
2) it is expected that the papers sent to "Economic and Regional Studies / Studia Ekonomiczne i Regionalne" will provide a brief/concise description of the data analysis methods used in the research, with reference to the relevant/original scientific publications that contain a more detailed description of the statistical methods used. When advanced methods are used, a brief justification of their implementation/selection should also be provided;
3) all unusual statistical terms, abbreviations and symbols used in the paper should be properly defined. The units of measurement given in all tables and figures should be clearly defined. In the appropriate reference, the name and version of the statistical software package used should be specified, and when statistical inference methods are also used, the adopted alpha (α) significance level/threshold should also be provided;
4) when reporting the results of statistical tests, in addition to the
p-value, the value of the test statistic and the number of degrees of freedom should be provided. In order to ensure full transparency and to provide complete and reliable information about the research results, the Authors should provide accurate values of “
p” for all performed statistical tests. Exceptions are
p-values smaller than 0.001, which can be expressed as
p<0.001, and
p-values greater than 0.99, which can be reported as
5) the text should clearly state what measures of the statistical description (central tendency, volatility/diversity) are presented. In the case of multivariate models, all the variables included in the models should be presented, and the scientific/substantive justification for including them in the model should be provided. The model verification process should also be conducted.
The references list should be put at the end of a paper. The references should be numbered and arranged alphabetically.
At least 50% of the references list should be from the last 5 years.
Individual items on the list should be recorded according to the following pattern:
An article in the journal:
Monday, A., Bassnett, B. (year). Title of the article. Title of the journal in italics, number of year / volume in italics (number of issue / number), page of the beginning-page of the end.
Warning. if the article has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number, please enter it at the end of the bibliographic record as a full link, e.g.
Iksiński, A., Kowalski, B. (year). The title of the book in italics. Place of publication: Publishing house.
Edited book:
Morson, A., Oneil, B. (eds.). (year). The title of the book in italics. Place of publication: Publishing house.
Chapter in an edited book:
Martins, A. (year). Title of the chapter. In: B. Smith, C. Andresoni (eds.), Title of the book in italics (p. Side of the beginning-end page). Place of publication: Publishing house.
Internet source:
Smith, A. (year). The title of the text in italics. Downloaded from: website address.
One should not place the addres as hyperlink-one shouldapply black colour of font without underlining. List of internet websites ought to be enumerated and placed in order of date of read-out. In case another text from website is cited, one must place the entire address within the text and in the list of literature, whilst, date of read-out should be also placed within the list of literature.
Author's correction
Post editorial elaboration and sample print the work will be passed on to the author in order for him or her to place further author's corrections. It is an obligation of the author to send the correction within one week. The costs of amendments other than printing ones will be borne by the author.
Explanation regarding "ghost writing"
Reliability in science constitutes one of its quality foundations. The readers ought to be sure that the authors of publications in a clear, reliable and fair way present the results of their own work, regardless of whether they are their main authors or whether they availed of the assistance of specialized entity (physical person or legal person).
A proof of ethical attitude of a scientific worker as well as highest editing standards ought to be the transparency of information regarding entities which contributed to the creation of a given publication (conceptual input, in-kind or financial contribution etc.) which is solely a manifestation of good practices and of social responsibility.
Opposite examples are „ghost writing” and „guest authorship”.
In case of "ghost writing" we deal with a situation where someone has made a significant input into creation of a publication without disclosing his or her input as one of its authors or without indicating his or her role in credits and acknowledgements placed within the publication.
In case of „guest authorship” („honorary authorship”) we deal with a situation when author's input is insignificant or is none whatsoever even though he is named as the author/co-author of a given publication.
In order to counteract „ghost writing”, „guest authorship” the editorial office of the journal takes steps to introduce appropriate procedures specific for the represented area or scientific discipline or implement the below noted solutions:
1 The Editorial Office requires from the authors of publications a disclosure of input of individual authors in the creation of a given publication (with an indication of their affiliation and contribution, that is information who the author of the concept, the assumptions, the method, the protocol etc. used while elaborating the publication was), whilst the main responsibility is borne by the author who subits the manuscript.
2 The Editorial Office informs within "Guidelines for authors" that „ghost writing”, „guest authorship” are a manifestation of scientific unreliability and all the detected cases will be revealed, including notification of appropriate entities (institutions employing the authors, scientific societies, scientific editors societies etc.)
3 The Editorial Office ought to obtain information regarding the sources of financing of the publication, input of scientific-research institutes, societies and other entities („financial disclosure”).
4 The Editorial Office introduces the principle of documenting all cases of scientific unreliability, especially in case of breaching and not complying with the principles of ethic which are in place in the scientific world.
Rights of the Editorial Office
The Editorial Office reserves the right to correct style errors and conduct abbreviations. The works elaborated in breach of the terms and conditions will be sent back for author's correction.
The journal makes available its articles on the basis of the license Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
The scientific journal "Studia Ekonomiczne i Regionalne" up to issue 2/2021 (vol. 14) published articles under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4. 0 International licence (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International CC BY-NC-SA) using the notation "Copyright: © Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Biała Podlaskiej, name of the author(s). All articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) licence ( 0/), permitting third parties to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, and to remix, transform and exploit the material, provided the original work is properly cited and the licence is stated", while from issue 3/2021 (vol. 14) to the present, the articles appear under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International CC BY 4.0 licence with the following attribution: "Copyright: © The Authors. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence ( permitting third parties to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and to remix, transform and exploit the material for any purpose, even commercially".