Subject and purpose of work: The aim of the research was an attempt to define the interest in horseriding recreation within the territory of Sub-Carpathian voivodeship. Materials and methods: The analysis was conducted with the use of survey questionnaire which included 21 closed and semi-open questions of single and multiple choice. Research was conducted in 2014. Answers were obtained from 120 respondents which allowed to divide the obtained material depending on gender, age and place of residence. Results: Conducted research indicated that persons with higher education availed of horse-riding at least once a week, defining at the same time their skills as good and very good. The fact that this activity was realized mostly under the supervision of instruction, despite the declared level of training is beneficial. This allows to maintain high standards of safety and also work places. Conclusions: Despite borne significant costs related to practising horse-riding (at least 500 PLN/month) vast majority of the respondents did not have their own horse, declaring at the same time a will to purchase one in the future.
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