Subject and purpose of work: The article presents the results of a study which aimed to elicit the
opinions of the residents of Polish cities belonging to the Cittaslow Network. Materials and methods: surveys were conducted among 100 residents from 10 Polish Cittaslow
cities. Results: Most of the respondents did not identify the city’s accession to the Cittaslow with the
improvement of the quality of their lives. The residents’ opinions concerning the changes that
occurred after joining the Network depended on their gender, age and education. Conclusions: The survey results have revealed that the membership of the Cittaslow is strictly
promotional. Its main objective is to raise funds from projects that promote the idea of Cittaslow
as well as to get a promotion by participating in various international events. The opinions of the
inhabitants of Cittaslow cities indicate the lack of significant effects established in relevant documents
and strategies.
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