Rzeszow is the only location of nine institutions of higher learning in the southeastern Poland. Currently, there are about 60,000 students attending various universities and four-year colleges. The students represent a substantial portion of city residents. The article presents results of the survey implemented among students in May 2011 regarding the accessibility
and quality of services. The study consists of three parts. The first part includes characteristics of respondents and their opinions about the accessibility and quality of services and a short description of colleges’ location including the area they affect.
The second part presents a comparative assessment of researched issues in the city under current conditions and those from an earlier period, when students just entered a college as well as the opinion of spatial development, i.e., areas in need of improvement or renewal. The third part includes a short description of the city’s changing image in recent years.
Majka S., 2004, Rzeszów i jego strukturalna przestrzeń, RS DRUK, Rzeszów;.
Miejski Tygodnik Bezpłatny, luty 2013, „Teraz Rzeszów” – rozmowa Beaty Tarczyńskiej z dr Grzegorzem Hajdukiem „Studenci czują, że Rzeszów to dla nich przyjazne miasto”;.
Raińczuk A., Gołuch G., Orłowska I., Trybus M., Róg G. 2000, Studium Uwarunkowań i Kierunków Zagospodarowania Przestrzennego Miasta Rzeszowa, Biuro Rozwoju Miasta, Rzeszów;.
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