Subject and purpose of work: QA quantitative measurement of the implementation of the
objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy, an assessment of the degree of implementation of the
strategy objectives for the individual EU-27 countries, and a ranking of countries in terms of the
implementation of the strategy objectives were carried out. Materials and methods: The empirical analysis used EUROSTAT statistics covering the values of
the basic indicators of the Europe 2020 strategy in the five main areas of development. The TOPSIS
linear ordering method was used. For each country, a synthetic measure was established to express
the level of achievement of the objectives of the strategy. On the basis of the value of the synthetic
measure, a ranking of the countries was created in terms of the degree of the implementation of the
Europe 2020 strategy objectives. A cluster analysis was applied in order to classify the countries
into groups with a similar level of the implementation of the strategy assumptions. Results: Based on the collected empirical material, a diagnosis of the level of strategy
implementation was carried out for all EU-27 member states. A quantitative approach was adopted
in order to compare the effects of implementing the strategy assumptions. Groups of countries
with a similar level of strategy implementation were identified. Conclusions: The research confirmed the existence of a significant diversification of the results
of implementing the strategy objectives in the EU-27 countries. The differences were particularly
visible between the highly developed Western European countries and the South European
countries, severely weakened by the economic crisis of 2008–2009 and the recession of 2012–2013.
The values of the synthetic measure allowed to determine the degree of the implementation of the
objectives of the strategy and to create a ranking of the EU-27 countries. The adopted approach
made it possible to compare the obtained classification of the Member States into groups with
a similar level of achievement of the objectives of the strategy and to define measurable effects of
the implementation of the "Europe 2020" strategic plan.
Article has been screened for originality
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