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DEPARTMENT OF REGIONAL FINANCIAL POLICY, M. I. Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine
Submission date: 2020-08-05
Final revision date: 2020-08-31
Acceptance date: 2020-09-04
Publication date: 2020-09-29
Corresponding author
Liliya Kluchnyk
DEPARTMENT OF REGIONAL FINANCIAL POLICY, M. I. Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of the NAS of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine
Economic and Regional Studies 2020;13(3):342-354
Subject and purpose of work: The subject of the paper is the formation of household savings in
Ukraine and their sources of aggregate household incomes, with particular attention to the Ukrainian
labor migration. It is an important source of foreign exchange earnings in the form of remittances, which
help improve the welfare of population and ensure economic growth in the country.
The purpose of the paper is to research and determine major trends of the development of households’
financial resources, to examine the foreign experience of forming and use of residents’ savings and to
determine the ways it can be applied in Ukraine, and to analyze the main trends of state policy in the
regulation of labor migrants’ remittances. Materials and methods: The author of this paper analyzed the literature on the subject and performed
desk research using data from reports and studies published by EU statistics (Euro stat Statistics) and
GUS (Statistics Poland), statistical yearbooks of Europe; WDR reports (Global Financial Development
Report 2019/2020) and NBU (Official website of the National Bank of Ukraine). Results: The author’s research has shown that the process of saving is quite popular for European
people is quite popular. Accordingly, in 2019, the residents of Poland, Hungary and Romania were the
most frugal – 82%, 84% and 85%. Further attitudes towards savings are the following: Turks (77%),
Ukrainians (76%), Croats (75%), Serbs (72%), Germans (73%), while savings are slightly less important
for Austrians (70%), Slovaks (67%), Czechs (66%), and Montenegrins (59%). This savings situation
has clearly demonstrated the power of effective household decisions for overall political and economic
activity in Europe. Finally, the migration capital of Ukraine has a “shadow character” due to, first of all,
the desire to minimize the costs of transferring funds home through official channels, as well as distrust
of the banking sector in Ukraine. Conclusions: To increase the efficiency of the formation and use of household savings in Ukraine, it is
necessary to increase the interest of citizens in savings by partially or completely exempting from taxation
the income directed to accumulation and create the conditions necessary for the implementation of new
banking, insurance, and other types of financial services.
Article has been screened for originality
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