Subject and purpose of work: Theoretical and empirical analysis of the middle-income
trap. To test the validity to be able to fix a middle-income band to classify a country in the
middle-income trap. Materials and methods: Theoretical and empirical studies on the middle-income trap
have been used as material and the descriptive and explorative method of research has
been used. Results: To fix a middle-income band was deemed to be unjustified because the middleincome
band was found to change every year. The period of the middle-income trap was
deemed justified and it was found that a potential based definition can be formed to create
a distinction between trapped and non-trapped countries. Conclusions: To define t he m iddle-income t rap does not r equire a m iddle-income b and
to be fixed for a period as long as 42 years, but what is require is the period itself and the
continuity of increasing the potential of a country to cross the middle-income trap.
Article has been screened for originality
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