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Lutsk Cooperative College Lviv Commercial Academy Łuckie Spółdzielcze Kolegium Lwowskiej Komercyjnej Akademii Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University Wschodnioeuropejski Narodowy Uniwersytet im. Łesii Ukrainki
Publication date: 2018-07-09
Corresponding author
Nina Rebryna   

Nina Rebryna, 43000, Łuck, ulica Sobornosti 13/49, Phone: +38 050 603 46 50
Economic and Regional Studies 2015;8(4):107-118
The objective of the work is to conduct a comparative analysis of development of organic production in Ukraine and Poland as well as to elaborate practical recommendations for the development of the given production type in Ukraine. The methods applied within the articles are those of general theoretical scientific acquired knowledge, and in particular, the dialectic method, system analysis and fundamental principles of economic theory. The comparative method and the method of structural analysis have been also applied. Organic production is characterized by a dynamic development worldwide. In Ukraine, the organic production market is at the stadium of being formed. The analysis has revealed that within the last three years a tendency of internal saturation of the market with its own organic production at the expense of the raw material demand from import has been observed. The number of organic farms in Poland has multiple times exceeded the number of analogical farms in Ukraine. In the researched period the number of farms in Ukraine increased 5 times while in Poland-12 times. The market of organic products in Ukraine is in the phase of being shaped. Among the organic products on the national market one may spot such products as: bread, cereal, jams, juices, dried fruits, tea, honey. In Poland, the most popular organic products include meat, poultry and dairy products. The introduction of organic production in Ukraine will support: reconstruction of land fertility and preservation of natural environment; increase of effectiveness and profitability of agricultural production; filling the food market with healthy quality food production; strengthening agricultural production, strengthening export potential of the country; improving the image of Ukraine as producer and exporter of high quality food products; ensuing food safety in Ukraine; bettering the general state of wellbeing within the society.
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