Subject and purpose of work: The study aims to identify models for supporting local entrepreneurship and assess their effectiveness. Materials and methods: Secondary (literature and statistical data) and primary data sources were used in the paper. The primary source was a survey among 230 entrepreneurs. We apply a mixed-method approach here (comparative analysis, cluster analysis). Results: The research demonstrated that the policy involving entrepreneurship support through tax instruments (reduced local tax rates) does not contribute significantly to providing entrepreneurship-fostering conditions. The study revealed that the level of entrepreneurship may be affected more by the expenditure policy. Conclusions: Local governments (LG) that are attractive to investors (such as easily available infrastructure and proximity to markets) should adopt high property-tax rates. The tax is undervalued in peri-urban municipalities (compared to property value) and does not burden the business. LG should intensify spatial planning and land management to ensure space for business to grow.
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