Subject and purpose of work: The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has significantly changed the shape and organization of education in
the State Forests, hence the purpose of this study is to assess its impact on the course, financing,
forms and participation of youth and adults in forest education in Poland. Materials and methods: The study was based
on hitherto unpublished quantitative data concerning the educational activities of forest districts
carried out in 2011-2021. Qualitative methods, including online surveys, were also used. Due to
the largest area of forests under its management in Poland, the RDSF Szczecin was selected as the
study area. Results: An analysis of expenditures on forest education was carried out, identifying forest
districts with the highest and lowest costs. Conclusions: The mixed methods used allowed for a more complete
interpretation of the results, as well as the presentation of the figures in a statistical context.
Article has been screened for originality
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