Subject and purpose of work: The subject-matter and aim of this paper is to present the extent of poverty and
economic and social exclusion in the countries of the European Union (EU-27). The specific aim is the comparative
assessment and reduction of these processes between 2011 and 2022. Materials and methods: The paper is based on an analysis of official EUROSTAT statistics. The TOPSIS taxonomic
method was used for comparative evaluation, making it possible to measure and assess synthetically the variation
of poverty across countries in dynamic terms for the selected years 2011, 2016 and 2022. Results: On the basis of the collected empirical material, a multivariate synthetic assessment of the level of
economic and social exclusion in all EU-27 member states was made. The extent of the variation and changes in
this process were compared in dynamic terms using the taxonomic approach. Conclusions: The analysis of the results confirmed the existence of considerable variation in the occurrence of the
“components” of economic and social exclusion. The results of the multivariate analysis helped made it possible to
prepare a ranking and typology of similarities between countries. The analysis confirms the partial achievement
of the poverty-reducing goals of the EU strategies, although not to the same extent and in the same pace, by EU
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