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University of Rzeszów/Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
Publication date: 2018-07-09
Corresponding author
Małgorzata Lechwar
dr inż. Małgorzata Lechwar, University of Rzeszów, Department of Economy, Ćwiklińskiej St. 2, 35–601 Rzeszów, Poland; Phone: +48 17 872 16 18
Wiesława Kuźniar   

dr hab. inż. Wiesława Kuźniar, University of Rzeszów, Department of Economy, Ćwiklińskiej St. 2, 35–601 Rzeszów, Poland; Phone: +48 17 872 16 18
Economic and Regional Studies 2014;7(4):65-72
Bio-economy requires the participation that engages societies, including the local communities. In this context, the aim of the study is to recognize the opinion of the local community regarding the legitimacy of the use of existing local renewable energy potential, which will take the appropriate actions in the field of RES for the full implementation of the bio-economy program. The study assumed that a considerable degree of acceptance of renewable energy sources can be a powerful argument in order to confirm the thesis that as a result of income growth and consumer demand the multiplier effect of the use of RES will appear, contributing to local development.The tests were performed using factual methods. Secondary research, indirect (desk research), carried out in the process of exploring the problem. Field research, direct primary research, enabled the acquisition of primary data to enable the implementation of the targets. In examining the opinions of the populations of krośnieńsko-przemyski area sought to determine the relationship between the local community to the possibility of the use of renewable energy sources at the local level. Recognized opinions allowed to determine whether there is approval, disapproval, or no opinion on the use of renewable energy sources. Substantial increase in the share of RES technologies in the surveyed communes of Przemysl and Krosno sub-regions should be based on agricultural biomass, forest biomass, wind energy, geothermal energy, and solar energy. Tested communities have different often divergent opinions as to the validity of the use of RES on the local level, nevertheless a large interest in modern technologies and renewable sources of their funding is observed. The local community in the majority wants to pursue undertakings in the field of renewable energy, mainly based on solar and wind energy. There is a need to further identify and develop local potentials, including the use of social energy from renewable sources.
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