The Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Szkoła Głowna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
Publication date: 2018-07-05
Corresponding author
Joanna Rakowska
dr Joanna Rakowska, The Warsaw University of Life Sciences, The Faculty of Economic Sciences,
The Department of European Policy, Public Finance and Marketing, Nowoursynowska 166, 02-787 Warszawa, Poland; phone: tel.: +48 22 59-34-060
Subject and purpose of work: The study aims at statistical and spatial analysis of population ageing in Poland’s 2479 communes (LAU2 - Local Administrative Unit 2) as of December 31, 2014 based on quantitative data from the Local Data Bank, the Central Statistical Office of Poland. Materials and methods: The paper presents the results of applying the following indices: the share of the old in the population, double ageing index and the ageing index by A. Sauvy. Results: Findings prove that 9% of Polish communes are old and 91% are very old according to UNO classification. In Polish LAU2s the share of elderly people (65%+) in total population ranges from 7% to the number of the old per 100 young amounts from 25,3 to 306,1. Thus communes characterised by the lowest values of applied indices should be perceived as ‘the youngest’ among the old. Conclusions: The oldest communes accumulate in Eastern Poland, which makes it the oldest region in the country. That advanced ageing of the local population can be the main threat to the development of those communities unless balanced by the inflow of exogenous demographic potential.
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