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Subject and purpose of work: This paper explores whether herding behavior is formed according to the type of investor, how long the transmission of herding behavior occurs, and identifies how big the reaction of herding behavior is and how the flow of herding behavior connects between investors. Materials and methods: The population in this study are companies whose shares are listed in the LQ45 index list for the period January 2015 to December 2017 on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. To find out further about herding behavior, a VAR test will be conducted in this study. Results: The results of herding behavior analysis, based on the type of investor on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, show that there is herding behavior in each type of similar investor. Moreover, there is a certain period for the spread of herding behavior by type of shareholder. Conclusions: The most influential variables on the four types of successive investors are domestic institutional investors, individual foreigners, domestic individuals, and foreign institutions. The four types of investors respond differently to herding behavior.
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